Finding a great Spanish cat name can be hard. However, there are a lot of fun, powerful, and beautiful Spanish cat names for you to choose from. Get a list of Spanish cat names for your male or female feline.
Strong Male Cat Names for a Furry Feline
Does your furry friend have a strong personality? A strong feline needs a strong name. Explore a range of strong, powerful, and brave Spanish cat names for your pet. These names can work for all different types of breeds, whether your cat is a specific breed or you are just looking for something beyond the normal fluffy and tiger. For your strong male cat, give one of these Spanish names a try.
Alwar: guardian of all
Andres: manly; brave
Bernardino: brave
Fernando: bold
Feroz: lucky
Fidel: faithful
Fuerte: strong; firm
Guerrero: warrior
Helio: sun
Herculano: glory of Hera
Lion: lion
Lobo: timber wolf
Lupe: wolf
Reyes: king
Sergio: to serve
Sombra: shadow
Tiburon: shark
Tigre: tiger
Valentino: strength
Valiente: brave
Unique Male Cat Names
Choosing a Spanish name for your cat already has you looking for something beyond the normal. However, you can take it to another level by looking at unique Spanish names for your male feline. These names have unique spellings, pronunciations, and meanings to keep your fur baby's name special.
Acacia: thorny
Agdta: kind
Allegro: music
Amante: lover
Berto: intelligent
Casimiro: peace bringer
Daunte: enduring
Honoratas: honor
Leonor: light
Quin: counsel
Rio: river
Ronroneo: purr
Toli: farmer
Usoa: dove
Yago: supplanter
Cute Male Cat Spanish Names
Who doesn't like a cute name for their kitty? But that doesn't mean your Tabby needs a name like Whiskers. Instead, you can give any traditionally cute pet name a twist by looking at a few Spanish alternatives. Check out a variety of cute cat names for your favorite furry boy.
Aldo: elder
Bigotes: whiskers
Cazador: hunter
Chico: boy
Churro: fritter
Cielo: heaven
Dulce: sweet
Gaspar: treasure
Gato: cat
Gustavo: staff of Geats
Hermoso: beautiful
Loco: crazy
Oslo: meadow
Paquito: free man
Vivo: alive
Beautiful Female Feline Spanish Names
A beautiful cat needs a beautiful name to fit its vibrant personality. Allow your little furry princesses' beauty to shine by choosing a Spanish cat name with a beautiful meaning.
Alegria: joy
Amada: darling
Amor: love
Bella: beautiful
Bombon: sweetie
Caramela: sweet as candy
Cascada: waterfall
Chiquilla: little girl
Cielito: little sky
Corazon: heart
Estrella: sky
Flor: flower
Leonora: bright
Lindo: lovely
Luza: light
Mariposa: butterfly
Muneca: doll
Nina: little girl
Perla: pearl
Querida: beloved
Safira: sapphire
Salsa: dance
Cute Spanish Cat Names for Females
Cute cat names for your little girls can be hard to come by. This is especially true if you are trying to keep the name of your cat unique. Cute Spanish cat names can be the answer. These names might just be perfect for your fabulouso feline.
Baya: berry
Brisa: breeze
Chica: girl
Emelda: battle
Fantasia: fantasy
Felisa: lucky
Frida: peace
Giselle: beautiful like the stars
Grecia: graceful
Lela: black beauty
Lita: gladly
Margarita: cluster of blossoms
Neva: snow
Playa: beach
Selva: jungle
Vida: life
Zelia: ardent
Spanish Cat Names for Cool Female Cats
Looking for a cool, regal, or even sweet name for your female cat? These cool Spanish female cat names might just be the answer to your pet naming struggles. Dive into a divine list of cool and quirky names for you fierce little female feline.
Adella: noble
Aurelia: golden
Brunilda: ready for battle
Candela: candle
Carmelita: garden
Chiki: sweet
Divina: divine
Fatima: captivating
Ivette: yew
Katia: pure
Leta: gladly
Mija: sea of bitterness
Niebla: fog
Pia: pious
Sabella: God's promise
Finding the Perfect Spanish Cat Name
Naming your cat can be hard. However, going beyond English names can help you to find something truly unique for your fabulous felines. Try out these Spanish cat names on your cat to find the perfect one for your furry family friend.