Maybe you've noticed that every orange tabby cat you meet is super sweet, while calicos are a little on the spicier side. Is it all a coincidence? Probably not. Studies show that a cat's coat color might actually play a role in their personality, although the evidence is more substantial for some colors over others. Discover what your cat's color says about their personality traits so you can gain a little more insight into why your cat acts the way they do.

Orange tabbies aren't just good-looking; they're good-natured, too. Owners report their ginger cats are friendly, calm, and even more trainable than cats of other colors. We've met several orange tabbies and agree they're all snuggle bugs, but what do you think?
Did you know most orange cats are male? As many as 80 percent of orange kitties are male, and apparently, people say male gingers tend to be outgoing, whereas the females are a little more chill.

Cats with a tortoiseshell coat pattern have what people call "tortitude," which is like cattitude with a twist. In a survey done by veterinarians at the University of California, Davis, owners of torties said their cats continuously "challenge" them. Tortoiseshells are also more likely to get hissy with their people, but that's not to say that they can't be super affectionate at times.

The findings for calico cats were very similar to torties. Calicos are believed to be more "intolerant" compared to other colors. And interestingly enough, the same goes for other tricolor cats, such as calbies and tabicos, whose owners described them as being downright stubborn sometimes. If you have a calico at home, do you agree?

Black cats have long been associated with Halloween, witchcraft, and even bad luck, so it's not surprising these cats are thought of as being mysterious. Even though strangers might misunderstand them, black cats are perceived as being incredibly friendly by their owners. But that's not the only positive thing about black fur. Scientists say the same gene responsible for their black coloring is also linked with resistance to diseases like FIV, so these cats tend to be hardier than other colors.

Gray cats are known for being calm, soft-spoken, and shy. Several cat breeds can be found in solid gray, so, of course, a cat's breed can also influence their personality, too. Genetically speaking, gray cats are actually black cats who carry the dilution gene, which dilutes their black coloring to gray.

Of all the cat coat colors, tabbies are the most likely to strut right up to you because these cats are believed to be Bold with a capital B. These striped felines are typically playful and outgoing, although some owners say they don't necessarily understand personal space. So if your tabby cat constantly follows you around or climbs into your lap every chance they get, their coloring could explain why.

Owners of white cats say these pretty kitties can be aloof and shy. They're also some of the biggest couch potatoes because they tend to be lazier than cats of other colors. White cats are also more likely to be born deaf; up to 85 percent of cats with blue eyes are deaf. Deaf cats rely more heavily on their other senses, so this trait could influence their behavior.
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Black and White

A cat wearing a tiny tuxedo would have to act like an aristocrat, right? Don't worry because black and white cats are known for being cordial. These cats are friendly, playful, and super affectionate with their pet parents. And who wouldn't want to snuggle right up with an adorable tuxedo cat?
Does Color Really Influence Personality?

Most of the evidence that exists on cat colors and personality traits is anecdotal and based on owners' perceptions of how their cats act. But there is some interesting evidence in other species that supports the claims. For example, the silver fox experiment involved breeding docile foxes together in an attempt to make them more manageable, and they found that the foxes' coat color started changing as the lines became more and more docile. More research needs to be done on cats specifically, but the information we have now is still really fascinating.
Cats Will Be Cats, No Matter Their Color

It's safe to say there are a lot of different things that can influence a cat's personality, including their breed, environment, past experiences, care, diet, and coat color. It's impossible to predict how a cat will behave based solely on their color. Likewise, if your cat doesn't have all the typical characteristics of their color, don't be alarmed. They're a one-of-a-kind kitty, and you should love them as such.