Raspberries are safe for dogs to eat, but you need to limit the amount provided. The berries contain antioxidants, which are beneficial for dog health, especially for those who experience joint problems, because they have anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve pain. However, there are other factors to keep in mind when giving this food to your dog.

Raspberries are a Healthy Snack
Although dogs do not require fruit in their diet, keep in mind that they are omnivorous -- consuming both plant and animal material oppportunistically -- and raspberries do provide beneficial nutrients. The fruit is high in fiber, manganese, and vitamin C, yet is low in sugar and calories, making them an ideal occasional treat.
Dietary fiber found in raspberries aids in the maintenance of your dog's digestive system and the prevention of obesity, while helping your dog feel full for longer. Antioxidants have potent anti-inflammatory properties and can help with conditions such as arthritis. They may also help alleviate some complications canines with diabetes may experience, as well. Antioxidants are thought to help prevent various conditions in canines, including cancer and heart disease.
Feed in Moderation
Raspberries contain a significant amount of natural xylitol, an all-natural sweetener present in many fruits and veggies, and many products found at your local grocery store. Although xylitol is generally known to be safe for people, it is highly toxic to dogs. Xylitol is known to cause liver disease and hypoglycemia in severe cases, which can be fatal if not treated quickly by a veterinarian.

This doesn't mean that raspberries are harmful to your dog in appropriate portion sizes. This simply means they should be offered in moderation, just like other foods. Too much of a good thing isn't always good. Vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation are among the adverse effects that may occur if your dog eats too much of the fruit.
If you have raspberries growing in your yard and your dog is a huge fan of them, it's best to keep an eye on your dog when the raspberry bush is ripening and remove the berries on a regular basis to avoid temptation.
Maximize Benefits and Prevent Harm
Because raspberries contain trace amounts of xylitol, even the largest dogs should only eat one cup of raspberries at a time, and on rare occasions. Small dogs should be given 1/4 cup at a time, while medium dogs should be given 1/2 cup.
Raspberries are a fruit with a low sugar content. Sugar content in fresh raspberries is around 4 percent by weight (lower than carrots at 5 percent). There are 6 grams of sugar, 8 grams of fiber, and 46 calories in one cup of raspberries. A low-calorie, high fiber, and low sugar treat is ideal for most dogs.

As with all other foods, only provide a few raspberries the first time your dog tries them. Then, observe your dog for at least 24 hours for any signs of discomfort. If your dog has an allergic reaction, stomach ache, or any type of distress, they will likely show symptoms within this time period. If your dog does exhibit any adverse effects, contact your veterinarian.
How to Feed Raspberries
Feed fresh or unsweetened frozen raspberries, rather than raspberries sprinkled with sugar, preserved in a jam, or packed in syrup, to your dog. Excess amounts of sugar are bad for your dog's health and can lead to diabetes, weight gain, and other problems down the road.
If you are unsure if raspberries are safe for your particular dog, contact your family veterinarian or a holistic veterinarian to discuss the option further. If your dog has a history of illness or a current medical condition, it's wise to discuss any additions to your dog's diet with a vet before making changes.
Healthy Snacks in Moderation
Although not all dogs enjoy fruits and vegetables, those who do will find them to be a healthful snack. If your dog like raspberries whole, there's no harm in giving them a few raspberries now and then.