Dogs don't need a whole lot to be happy. But if you want to make your special pooch extra happy, you should consider getting them a dog wading pool. Plastic dog pools are pretty cheap and can entertain your dog for hours. If you need more convincing, we've put together 10 reasons why you should take the plunge. It just might be the best decision you'll ever make!
1. It's a Great Way to Test the Waters

The first time you take your dog swimming, all that water can be a little overwhelming. When you've got a dog wading pool out back, they can dip their toes in the shallow end without fear of the tide pulling them under. That's a lesson saved for at least day two.
2. Beat the Dog Days of Summer

The mercury keeps rising, your margarita is melting, and the incessant drool from the corner of your pup's mouth evaporates before it even hits the pavement. Your panting pooch needs some relief from the summer heat, and a wading pool is one of the best ways to keep your dog cool during the summer. They can splash in it or treat it like the doggie equivalent of a Venti Caramel Frapp from Starbucks. Hold the whip.
3. Use it to Scrub Those Dirty Paws

You know what's great about taking your dog for a hike through a wooded trail? The two of you can bond while enjoying the great outdoors together. You know what's not so great? When they bring the muddy trail back with them, then scamper right onto your bed. Before heading inside, give those dirty paws a good cleaning in the dog wading pool first.
4. Teach Your Dog to Fish

You've probably seen those videos of dogs leaping off the ends of docks, splashing into the water, and doggy-paddling their way back with a largemouth bass in their mouths. Well, they didn't start out doing that.
With training and some serious patience, you can teach your pup to play fetch, even when the item being fetched has been thrown into the water of your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wading pool. Cowabunga, dude!
5. Dogs Take Cat Naps, Too

Have you ever tried standing barefoot on the asphalt after the sun has been beaming down on it all day? It's hot enough to fry up a steak, and you don't want to turn your dachshund into a BBQ'd Oscar Mayer Wiener.
Throw a couple of towels in a small plastic dog pool, and you've got yourself a makeshift doggie daybed for your hot dog. And that'll leave plenty of sidewalk for your steak-grilling hobby.
6. They're an Appropriate Outlet for Digging

After your enthusiastic canine digger has converted your yard into a Jackson Pollock, where the canvas is a dirty brown with only a couple of random specks of green, it's time to look to alternatives.
No one said the wading pool had to be filled with water. Bury some of their favorite toys in the new wading pool-shaped sandbox, and hopefully, they'll stop carving up your lawn like a demolition site.
Related: Why Dogs Like to Dig & What to Do
7. Use it as an Inexpensive Fountain or Pond Decoy

Just as a dirt or sand-filled wading pool can distract your dog from digging up your lawn and garden, a suitably entertaining water-filled wading pool might be enough to keep them away from wrecking the expensive new fountain or your fish-filled pond, as well. Populate it with cheeky, anatomically correct cherubs, and your neighbors will love it.
Related: 16 Joyful Pictures of Dogs Swimming to Brighten Your Day
8. It Keeps the Toys Organized

Dogs and toddlers have a lot in common. They drool. They can still have "accidents" when you think you've got them trained. And they leave their toys everywhere for you to trip over. If you've got a small wading pool in the backyard, it can be used to gather up all these toys and keep them in one place. And yes, that includes the actual wading pool toys, too.
9. Save it for Post-Skunk Spray Protocol

Your canine companion got themselves sprayed, and now they reek worse than Pepé Le Pew. Follow the recipe for de-skunking a dog. Keep that stench outside by using a dog wading pool instead of the same bathtub you use to bathe your family.
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10. Create Some Bonding Time for Pups and Tots

If you don't want your kids to terrorize your house all summer long, it's in your best interest to keep them occupied. Toss your littles into the wading pool and let them engage in water-filled antics with the dogs. As a bonus, they'll tire each other out, and then everyone can just nap.
Related: 12 Water Dog Breeds
Getting Your Dog to Use a Wading Pool

While you might think that your dog will instantly want to jump into a new doggie wading pool on a hot summer day, know that not every dog is an immediate fan of water. Use these tips to help ease them in:
Go at Their Pace
If your dog appears hesitant, do not pressure them to go in.
Have Treats on Hand
Use some extra delicious treats and reward them for getting closer to the pool.
Try Favorite toys
If your dog loves toys, you can toss some waterproof toys into the pool to coax them to go after them.
Join Them!
If you're dying from the heat yourself, make the best of your training session by sitting in the pool and encouraging them with praise and treats to come join you!
Splish-Splash for Not Much Cash

Many pups enjoy splashing about in the water, but you don't have to dig a 10-foot-deep hole in your yard to build (and maintain) an expensive pool. Cheap kiddie pools are a dime a dozen, and they make great dog paddling pools. You, and your dog, will love it!