Get ready to take a peep at the most adorable purebred and mixed-breed fuzzy kittens you'd ever want to meet. But be warned—these kitten pictures are so purr-fectly precious that you could suddenly find yourself inspired to adopt a new fluffy roommate. If you believe you could give a needy (and cute) kitten a home, visit your local animal shelter to find a wonderful feline companion to share your life.
Siberian Kitten

Is that a cotton poof with eyes? Nope—it's an adorable Siberian kitten. Siberians are as cuddly as they look, so they could make the purr-fect, lovable companion for your entire fam.
Siberian cats are known to be more dog-like than cat-like; they even play fetch!
An Adorable Ragdoll

This beautiful Ragdoll kitten is still a baby, and he'll get even more fluffy as he grows. You'll love this sweet and docile breed that makes a gentle family pet.
Cinder Ella

Warning - zoomies on the horizon! This adorable gray kitten is ready to rock 'n roll! What kind of mischief can she get into today?
Chinchilla Kitten

You've gotta be kitten me right now! Can't you just imagine how luxurious this Chinchilla Persian kitten's coat must feel to the touch? If you've ever petted a chinchilla, that texture is one of a kind, and they keep that adorbs face into adulthood.
This particular type of Persian cat is well-known for their doll-like features.
British Longhair Kitten

This little bundle of fur is ready for snuggling. Stop whatever you're doing and get ready for cuddles!
British longhairs are easy-going with a happy personality.
Persian Baby

Be still my heart. A fuzzy coat and big beautiful eyes combine for an irresistible combination of cuteness! At only three weeks old, this one's already a heart breaker.
Orange Maine Coon

Even though he's just lion around, this fiery ball of floof will leave you feline fine. Maine coon cats come in several colors. This orange boy is at full attention with those adorable pointed ears.
Even though Maine coons are independent, they love a good play session.
Kurilian Bobtail Kitten

Is this fur real? Here's an adorable Russian breed that you may not have had an opportunity to meet before. They're most popular for those who live on Kurilian Island, so if you see one, consider yourself lucky!
Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian forest cat is a very large breed, and it may have originated from cats brought to Norway by the Vikings. They are certainly adapted to a cold climate with all that fur!
These kitties love to climb, so if you are looking to adopt one, don't forget the cat tree!
Future Beauty Queen

This little fluff ball is going to grow into a very elegant cat someday. Those eyes capture your heart at first glance, even if you aren't a cat purr-son.
Cute Fuzzy Kittens Quartet

If one fuzzy kitten is good, four must be fantastic! Fill your life with the fluffy stuff by adopting multiple kittens. Can you imagine all the love they have to offer?
Scottish Fold Love

It's all about the ears, baby! Scottish folds are a popular breed. Their folded ears are a genetic mutation, and only some of the kittens in a litter will be born with this trait.
All Scottish fold kittens have normal ears when they're born, but if your kitty has the genetic mutation, you'll notice folding when they're a few weeks old.
Siamese Kitten

This little Siamese is not just cute, she's breathtaking. With her unique coloring and bright eyes, her stunning appearance and devoted personality will melt your heart.
Siamese cats become very attached to their owners, so if you're looking for a clingy kitty, this could be the breed for you.
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What a Princess

She's ready for her closeup, Mr. DeMew. This fuzzy Maine coon looks like quite a princess. Who wouldn't want to spoil such a fluffy baby?
The Sacred Birman Cat

Hello, bright eyes. This breed has been called "The Sacred Cat of Burma," but it was mostly bred in France. Look at those beautiful bright blue eyes!
Birmans don't like to be alone, so getting a buddy if you're working during the day is necessary!
Just a Baby

Oh baby! This little one is probably still nursing. That baby fur looks so soft. It's hard to believe in a few short weeks, he'll be ready to wander.
So Many Babies

Look at this litter of cuties! These littermates look ready to rumble. Will your couches and curtains be safe?
Brighten Your Day With Fuzzy Kitten Pictures

How are you feline? If you're feeling a bit more productive, it makes perfect sense. Research has shown that looking at adorable kittens can improve performance, so consider this time well-spent.