Funny memes are great because you can send one to your friends with absolutely no context, knowing it's definitely going to make them smile or laugh. But you know what's even funnier (and cuter) than traditional memes? Howlarious puppy memes. Share the best dog memes out there with your pooch-loving pals to make their day a little doggone brighter.
Definitely a Purebread

If this wasn't what comes to mind when you hear someone say "purebred," it is now. You're welcome.
Diet Starts Today

This Bulldog is not happy about only getting half a treat when they can clearly see the entire treat. We're sorry, buddy ...
Now Is Not the Time

Doesn't this always seem to happen? You're getting ready to pack up and leave the dog park when your dog spontaneously gets the zoomies or starts playing with another pup. It's OK. A few more minutes won't hurt.
Cats Vs. Dogs: A Tail As Old as Time

Some dogs absolutely love their feline housemates, whereas others simply tolerate them. Sorry bud, the cat stays.
Food on the Brain

There are certain words you can't say around your dog, like "Walk," "Park," and, apparently, "Cheese."
The Dogtor Is In

Dogs are incredible and we love them forever, but they can have some disgusting habits, like eating their own poop. Or worse, another dog's.
When Rules Are Just Suggestions

A lot of pet parents have a "No dogs in the bed!" rule in their house. Some dogs follow these commands, whereas others just view them as mere suggestions, like this mischievous Chihuahua.
Dog-Friendly Movies Only, Please

As a dog owner, it's easy to get emotionally attached to canine characters in a movie. So, understandably, you want to know if the dog is going to be OK. We definitely feel you.
Snow Woof

You tell every dog you meet that they're such a good dog. Can you blame your sweet pup for wondering who is truly the best dog in the world?
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Let’s Play Ball

This sweet puppy doesn't understand that bringing the ball back is a big part of playing fetch. We're confident they'll get it eventually, though.
Not Spoiled, Just Pampered

There's nothing wrong with putting your dog first, but there's also nothing wrong with admitting you spoil them. Just so long as they don't turn into couch hogs.
It’s My Party And I’ll Kiss Dogs If I Want To

Socialize? No thanks. At any gathering or party you go to, you're drawn to dogs like a magnet.
Funny Dog Memes Everyone Will Dig

If you or a friend need a good laugh, these dog memes will not disappoint. Share them to Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest for your entire squad to see, or simply send them directly to a friend who you know will find them howlarious. Life's too short not to enjoy yourself, and laughing is one of our favorite ways to do just that.