Turning a year older never seems to get easier, but we have the ultimutt solution for those feelings of dread: pictures of dogs celebrating their birthdays. Dogs don’t care if the party means they’re getting older because they’re just excited for cake, treats, and belly rubs! Plus, they realize they’re just getting more fetching with age, which is true for all of us. Whether it’s your special day or you’re celebrating a fellow dog-lover, share one of these wagtastic “Happy Birthday” dog images with a fun message to let the birthday person know age is nothing but a ruff estimate.
Having a Wagging Good Time

“Wag your tail if you’re the birthday dog? That’s me!”
Yappy Birthday

Life’s a pawty, and this cutie is the guest of honor.
Wishing You a Fairy Magical Day

We’re wishing this cutie a day filled with belly rubs, treats, and tennis balls.
What’s Your Age in Dog Years?

We know it’s rude to ask, but we can’t help but wonder how old this cutie is in dog years. Whatever the case, they’re definitely young at bark.
Want to calculate your own dog’s age on their birthday? Use this handy guide!
Birthday Besties

These two understand that sharing is caring, especially with barkday cake.
Bark it Loud and Proud

This pup is going to bark it loud and proud: it’s their birthday!
Birthday Burger for the Win!

Sure, you’ve heard of a birthday cake, but how about a birthday burger? It might not be appetizing to everyone, but this threesome of poodles sure looks excited to dig in. And a very yappy birthday to you!
Cheer Up, Buttercup

Getting a year older can be overwhelming, but just think about it this way: you’re only getting more fetching with age.
It’s a Puppy Pawty

If this isn’t the cutest birthday party you’ve ever seen, we don’t know what is. Where’s our invite?
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Birthday Goals

When you realize you can't eat the whole cake, but you're still gonna try!
Pro Partier

When you've been around the block a few times, but you still know how to party!
Who Needs Hats When There's Cake?

This sweet doggo's hat has its own idea about fashion. But he doesn't care as long as he gets cake.
Dogs Make Birthday Wishes Better

If you have a soft spot for pups, you’re sure to have a special dog lover in your life, too. Save one or all of these adorable photos and send it to them on their b-day. Don’t forget to send along a fun birthday message, like “In dog years, you’re a vintage classic,” or “It’s your party, and you can woof if you want to.” They’ll definitely appreciate the gesture.