Turtles may not be the most expressive of pets, so it can be hard for new turtle owners to figure out how to know if a turtle is happy. Understanding more about typical turtle behavior and health can provide clues to the mental state of your turtle. Just as with other living organisms, each turtle is different and has their own way of living. Making a mental note--or jotting down on paper--your turtle's normal behavior can help identify when there is something abnormal with them.
What Are the Signs of a Happy Turtle?
By observing your turtle every day and getting an idea of their normal routine, you can start to see the signs that your turtle is happy and thriving. If you see anything out of the norm, adjust your tank environment or, if you suspect a health problem, consult a veterinarian.
Feeding Behavior of a Happy Turtle
A happy turtle is one that will go after their meals eagerly when it's feeding time. As they start to get to know you and associate you with food, they may even move over to you and "beg" like a puppy eager for some treats. A turtle that refuses food and doesn't eat regularly may very likely be suffering from either stress or a medical condition.

Hunting Behavior
Another food-related behavior is hunting and chasing. Providing your turtle with some live food that they have to seek out actively is good for their mental and physical needs. If you place live insects, fish, or small amphibians in their tank, a happy turtle will "hunt" them down as part of their meal. If the turtle ignores them completely, this is a sign they may be depressed or unhealthy.
Aquatic or semi-aquatic turtles will engage in splashing behavior when they are excited, such as when their owner enters the room. This may be combined with food begging behavior.

Normal Bodily Functions
You should regularly observe your turtle to make sure they are passing feces on a normal schedule. You also want to make sure the feces look normal. A turtle showing normal bodily functions is a sign of a healthy and happy turtle.
A happy turtle will engage in basking behavior under their heat lamps. If you don't see your turtle basking daily, this is a sign that they may not be healthy and exposure to UVA and UVB light is important for their health.
Comfortable With Handling
Many types of turtles do not enjoy handling at all, so this sign is relative to your individual turtle and species. Some turtles are comfortable interacting with people and will let you pet them on the head or under their chins. A turtle that doesn't shy away from this type of interaction and seeks it out is definitely a happy turtle.

Playing With Toys
Some turtle owners will place toys in the tank for the turtle to "play" with. This could be a small ball that floats, like a ping-pong ball, that the turtle will push around in the water. Not every turtle will do this, and some you will need to interact with to teach them the game, but for those that do, this is a sign of a turtle that is mentally stimulated and happy. Another commonly used turtle toy is empty conch shells, which turtles will enjoy using for interaction.
Turtles are natural foragers and a common behavior is digging. If you see your turtle digging at the gravel at the bottom of their tank, this is a sign of a happy turtle. They should also regularly explore their environment, which can mean swimming around decorations and plants.
Clear Eyes and Breathing
A healthy and happy turtle should have clear eyes with no discharge. They should also not show any signs of difficulty breathing. Swollen, cloudy, or "weepy" eyes with a discharge are all common signs your turtle is sick. Another very common sign is mouth breathing or straining to breathe. If your turtle looks healthy and is breathing normally, this is a good indicator they're happy.

Out and About
Another sign of a healthy and happy turtle is that you can see him moving around his tank, basking, and generally exploring his habitat. If he is hiding all the time, this is a sign of a stressed or sick turtle. It's normal for turtles to hide sometimes, especially if they're brand new to a tank, but continued hiding is a sign that something is not right with your turtle.
Keeping a Turtle Happy
It's not hard to keep a pet turtle happy if you understand what a turtle's basic behavioral and health needs are. By ensuring that they have a tank of adequate size, clean water, proper temperatures, plants and decorations, a basking spot, and a healthy diet, your turtle should thrive. Providing him with items to keep him mentally stimulated, such as toys and live food, can also make for a very happy turtle. If you see signs that your turtle is stressed or sick, make sure you contact your reptile veterinarian right away.